Monday, May 28, 2012


The Daring Bakers’ April 2012 challenge, hosted by Jason at Daily Candor, were two Armenian standards: nazook and nutmeg cake. Nazook is a layered yeasted dough pastry with a sweet filling, and nutmeg cake is a fragrant, nutty coffee-style cake.

Yes, I am super super late with this. I've been in the process of moving for over a month now (finally done!), and was a little distracted. Seeing as how I was already late with Daring Bakers for April, I chose to do just the Nazook. I do plan on, don't quote me on this though, to go back and try the nutmeg cake at some point.

The recipe came together quickly enough. And the hardest part for me was muscling my way through the refrigerated dough to get it rolled out. I split the work between two days; making the dough on Friday and finishing them up on Saturday. Though one day would be plenty to make these if you have a decent stretch of time.

I was kind of meh on these at first. I tried one fresh, and was underwhelmed. I tried one the next day and thought, well, maybe I can get used to these. By the third day they were growing on me. So if you don't like them right away, let them age a few days and try them again.

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